I’m a Theoretical Physicist by background, transitioned into data science as a career. As a theorist, my job was to scribble equations to understand how things work. As part of my Master’s thesis, I was working on understand the physics of the very early universe using string theory. For me, Physics and mathematics is never boring, cutting-edge research is very interesting, however I soon realized that a career as a theoretical physicist in academia wasn’t for me. Hence, I ended up in Data analytics.

During my learning journey into data science I’ve worked on many different data science projects in python as well in R and SQL. However, I’ve had the most extensive experience in implementing all of my learning skills in the healthcare industry. Working with such large amount of messy health data pushed me to coming up with innovative solutions for doing analysis.

For the past couple of months, I have mainly worked on large amount of health data, extracting useful information in the graphical form, applying statistical techniques, developing predictive models, creating dashboards in R using Shiny, flexdashboard, shinydashboard and producting reports for reproducibility using RMarkdown.

My main role as a data analyst in healthcare are:

  • cleaning/manipulating of health data in Canadian, USA, and UK cohorts, within individuals with autoimmune diseases and psychiatric disorders.
  • Create predictive models such as regressions, based on the insightful analysis. Implement PCA on high dimensional data.
  • Stays up-to-date with research in the field by reading new/recent journal articles related to the research.

I’m a data-lover and would like to explore some interesting fields. This website will host my learning experience as well to store all my code in one place.

If you find my profile interesting or have any suggestions for my website, please reach out to me on Linkedin.